We like rebranding companies! It often happens at an exciting time in a businesses development and it is a great opportunity to take a fresh faced, reinvigorated leap into the future. But, it is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Look around your business. See where you current identity features, all that will need to change. So, not an inexpensive process. The design fees, the printing and the human investment required in making staff advocates of the new brand all need to be considered. So why do it?

1. You’ve grown up!
You probably began, grew a bit and never felt the need to have a professionally designed brand. However, Rebranding becomes a important step for your business to be taken seriously as it expands into more aggressive markets, where your competitors have spent time and money on these things.

2. A change of focus
There may have been a fundamental shift in your business, it’s products or a change in the strategic thinking, e.g green issues, social enterprise, etc.

3. You need to stand out
Most business sectors are very competitive and have lots of similar businesses selling similar products and services. Often companies struggle to demonstrate any competitive advantage, so branding offers an opportunity to stand out.

4. To remain relevant
The market changes very quickly. What once was fresh is now stale and boring in the eyes of the consumer, particularly on the high street. Shedding any past negative perceptions can be seen as a bold reinvigorating step.

5. Have a sort out
As you’ve grown, you have probably developed and acquired various products which have grown into brands themselves. The kind of vertical structure can result in confused and fragmented messages. The core company brand can get ignored or forgotten about, so rationalising this cluttered brand tangle can result in renewed impact and growth.

Done carefully, thoughtfully and with the right processes and procedures in place rebranding can be a great experience. The best way to start is to bring all the key stakeholders together and discuss your aims and future plans. Then contact a design agencies and let them take your brief and guide you through the process.

This is what the Ordnance Survey recently did. Taking their trusted brand and bringing it up to date. Did they do a good job?